12 Hour Challenge Races 2016

The 12 Hour Challenge is an event organized by Golden where during the weekend of Feb. 5 - Feb. 7, almost a thousand gamers will be learning how to speedrun a game they've never run before. There are no rules. However, there is an optional theme: "A console I don't usually play." Runners can choose to follow this theme or ignore it.

Throughout the weekend, the SpeedRunsLive site will be featuring a filter which only displays people participating in the challenge.

This time around, we have selected 4 submitted games, and will be featuring a race between the runners who picked it up on the SRL Twitch channel. Come watch and see who's able to make the most of their 12 hours of practice when the pressure is on!

Starts on

All dates and times are given in America/New_York timezone (UTC-05:00). All dates and times are given in your local timezone. The schedule was last updated .

SNES any% Spikevegeta, Yagamoth, Caznode, Bosscrab
SNES any% Ivan, Ribbedkilla, Caerulius
GB any% Neskamikaze, Wawlconut
SNES any%/100% Izraill, GameBreakingGlitch, Hugo4Fun, XxShawn

Ends at