BSG Monthly #1

Starts on

All dates and times are given in UTC timezone (UTC+00:00). All dates and times are given in your local timezone. The schedule was last updated .

ScheduledEstimateRunner(s)Twitch Username(s)PlatformCategory
Bangerra Bangerra PC any%
Riekelt Riekelt PC all trophies
WMJ wmj_speedruns DC any%
KVD smk_machine WiiU Panga lvls showcase
Hiipfire Hiipfire XBox any%
Kinnin11 Kinnin11 3DS 100%
crrool crrool PSP any%
WMJ wmj_speedruns 64DD staff ghosts
Bangerra Bangerra GB all bosses
crrool crrool GBC any% no sc
Loginner Loginner SNES all vs modes
Sunday, February 28, 2016
MeridianPrime MeridianPrime SNES any%
MeridianPrime MeridianPrime N64 puzzle%
crrool crrool PSP any%
J4sp3rr J4sp3rr PC bindfling
Vallkyr Vallkyr PC Sam DLC (NG, Revengeance)
Thextera Thextera PS1 any%
Frozen_Frog Frozen_Frog PS2 all masks
Thextera Thextera PS1 any%
WMJ wmj_speedruns 64DD Jikken World all parts
KVD smk_machine SNES gp150cc all cups
Leroy, xAngelMitchx, Vantox Leroy, xAngelMitchx, Vantox WiiU 48 tracks 150cc / Race
Luoth Luoth GBC any%

Ends at