Dreamhack Spain Speedruns 2019

Starts on

All dates and times are given in Europe/Stockholm timezone (UTC+02:00).

All Main Missions - Lvl 1 PS4 AxelSaGo
Wipeout 2048 Any% PS4 AxelSaGo
Any% PS3 elkon
Any% PS2 Elsiz
Any% PS2 Maiguels
Any% NMS PS1 (PC) LegnaX
Any% PS1 (PC) Valkyrie_Hrist
Donation Incentive: Any% or All Bosses PS2 (PC) Vixol
Twitch Speedrun International Ludendi
Saturday, July 6, 2019
Any% No Glitch Items PS1 SN_Idiot
Any% Emulator SN_Idiot
150 Lines PC Soler98012
Tekken 7 Arcade Normal - 2 Rounds PC AntiTorneos
All Sports Wii U Prakxoelpatatita
Any% First World Wii U Prakxoelpatatita
Any% Nintendo Switch Up to 4 players!
Inbound Any% PC Silensrunners
All Bosses PC CrafterLynx
R+7 S6 PC CrafterLynx
Beat the Rat% PC CrafterLynx
Twitch Speedrun International Ludendi
Sunday, July 7, 2019
R+7 S6 or R+ PC Turpinazo
Any% NMG SNES asazas
Any% No Wrong Warp NES Sweden
Any% Luigi NES Svenne

Ends at