
This schedule is just to hold the Backup runs that will be used to fill sudden gaps created in the main schedule. These runs are not guaranteed to be performed.

Starts on

All dates and times are given in Australia/Melbourne timezone (UTC+11:00).

ScheduledEstimateCategoryPlatformRunner TwitchRunner Twitter 
All Gold Bolts Playstation 3 mobius N/A
any% Playstation 3 mobius N/A
No Wrong Wrap WiiVC MikamiHero @MikamiHero
Thursday, November 26, 2020
any% (All Keys) PC jymmyboi @jymmyboi
PC any% PC d13sel N/A
any% Casual Mode Nintendo Switch AeonFrodo @realAeonFrodo
any% Famicom crazyjesse @crazedjesse
any% Famicom crazyjesse @crazedjesse
100% Nintendo 64 Thom @Tomtron93
any% Playstation 2 Dactyly @Dactyly
any% New 2DS AeonFrodo @realAeonFrodo
No Major Skips PC Benedictatorr @Benedictatorr
any% Gearless PC Benedictatorr @Benedictatorr

Ends at