Main Schedule

Please refer to the Challonge for more information and the brackets etc:

Starts on

All dates and times are given in Europe/Madrid timezone (UTC+02:00). All dates and times are given in your local timezone. The schedule was last updated .

ScheduledEstimateRacer 1Racer 2Game NotesPlayedSchedule Notes
S. Tech Issues m
Kennert007 Flowba m
marshall Kamikaza404 m
Lance_Latifi Snytefant m
Katacalysm jelmar35 m
alexnaidovich Gberry m
[banana]HFCV Julianismus m
grek Fearful_sr m
[Winner of 9] marshall [Winner of 10] Kennert007 ROUND 2 m
[Winner of 15] Gberry [Winner of 16] Fearful_sr ROUND 2 m
SpeedyFolf Positron m
Boterklontje Ziled m
pitpo =FoX=Wuzi m
tduva [meow]misterfolg m
Romicuzo S. m
Tepiloxtl JoHn m
Yurooko Discoordination Scheduling Impossibility m
Mintse control_speed Scheduling Impossibility m
[Winner of 13] Boterklontje [Winner of 14] jelmar35 ROUND 2 m
[Losers of 1-16] LOSERS ROUND 1 m
[Winner of 11] Lance_Latifi [Winner of 12] S. ROUND 2 m
[Winner of 31] Boterklontje [Winner of 32] Gberry ROUND 3 m
[Winner of 29] Kennert007 [Winner of 30] Lance_Latifi ROUND 3 m
[Winner of 7] Yurooko [Winner of 8] HFCV ROUND 2 m
[Winner of 47] Lance_Latifi [Winner of 48] Boterklontje WINNER'S SEMI FINAL POSTPONED
[Winner of 5] Positron [Winner of 6] control_speed ROUND 2 m
dimmahund Whitepoplar Scheduling team declares loser gets no chance for redemption m
[Winner of 3] JoHn [Winner of 4] misterfolg ROUND 2 m
[Winner of 1] Wuzi [Winner of 2] whitepoplar ROUND 2 m
[Winner of 27] control_speed [Winner of 28] HFCV ROUND 3 m
[Losers of 25-32] [Winners of 17-24] LOSERS ROUND 2 m
[Winners of 33-40] LOSERS ROUND 3 m
[Winner of 25] Whitepoplar [Winner of 26] JoHn ROUND 3 m
[Losers of 45-48] [Winners of 41-44] LOSERS ROUND 4 m
[Winners of 49-52] LOSERS ROUND 5 m
[Winner of 45] whitepoplar [Winner of 46] control_speed WINNER'S SEMI FINAL
[Losers of 55-56] [Winners of 53-54] LOSERS ROUND 6
[Winners of 57-58] LOSERS ROUND 7
[Winner of 55] [Winner of 56] WINNER'S FINAL
[Loser of 60] [Winner of 59] LOSERS ROUND 8
[Winner of 60] [Winner of 61] GRAND FINAL
GRAND FINAL 2 (if necessary)
[Winner of 63] The award
Everyone Big Finale For Fun Race

Ends at