GamingLand's Marathon Catastrophe

Starts on

All dates and times are given in America/New_York timezone (UTC-05:00).

Welcome To The Marathon!
All Sports (USA) GamingLand, (USA) Cmdr Quack% ($5) Cmdr
All Cups (USA) CountGooby CountGooby
All Stages (USA) CountGooby Turbo Mode Showcase ($5) CountGooby
Any% (USA) GamingLand 100% ($5) Cmdr
Story Mode (USA) Cmdr, (USA) CountGooby Bidwar For Difficulty - Easy, Normal, Hard GamingLand
Office Worker (CAN) KeaganExtremeGaming One Handed ($5) GamingLand
Hero Mode Any% (MEX) GhostSenpai Bidwar: Boy Inkling vs. Girl Inkling GamingLand
Any% (USA) Francesco GamingLand
Any% (USA) Tendog Bidwar: Comfort or Reject Pikachu Cmdr
Stage 3% (USA) ArtemisHunt Cmdr
All Unlockables (USA) Wipeoutjack7 Cmdr
Any% (CAN) Jabro Combo% ($5) (+10) Tendog
Sunday, March 10, 2019
Any% (MEX) GhostSenpai Cutscene% During The Run ($5) (+5 Mins.), Pepsiman: The Forbidden Drink Any% ($5) Tendog
Sleep% Sleeping Is Healthy
Any% NG+ (USA) TwoWorlds GamingLand
All Bronze Medals (USA) Francesco GamingLand
Bidwar for Category (USA) GamingLand, (USA) Cmdr, (USA) CountGooby Bidwar for Category: All Balance Games (12m), All Training Plus Games (35m), All Yoga Training (40m) GamingLand
32 Tracks (USA) CountGooby CountGooby
32 Tracks (USA) Cmdr Bidwar: No Items, Strategic, or Balanced Cmdr
Swordplay Showdown - Normal (USA) GamingLand, (USA) CountGooby Cmdr
All Balance Games (USA) GamingLand Tendog
Light World NG+ (USA) Cmdr Bidwar: Olimar vs. Gannon Tendog
Everyone! Thanks For Everything.

Ends at