
Starts on

All dates and times are given in UTC timezone (UTC+00:00). All dates and times are given in your local timezone. The schedule was last updated .

Chat N/A General Andrews N/A Greeting the Audience
Music N/A Bonsai Beats General Andrews Charity Beats unveiled!
any% race Genesis Dospostmann, Chromagram General Andrews Best 2-of-3 Race
buster only NES MegaMeowMilitia, siberianbull9, ZeeGee_, CynanMachae General Andrews 7-player race
any% NES junkyard_dave General Andrews Dave's first TMNT game for Dream Races
glitchless NES General Andrews General Andrews $25 incentive to unlock Tecmo Wrestling by JYD
Glitched (solo Sonic) Genesis supersonic Chromagram Team Sonic is back!
any%/ NES junkyard_dave/ incentive
any% Normal SNES MegaRetroMan MegaRetroMan Long overdue return of UN Squadron to the Dream Races
Arcade Okay April PC douggaming05 douggaming05 First April showcase on the Dream Races!
any% Very Easy PC SpazeeMcGee General Andrews Spazee's first ever Dream Races appearance!
zipless, difficult NES General Andrews General Andrews Favorite Mega Man game has to make an appearance
any% Normal/Hard PC EldestGhostKill EldestGhostKill Ghosty's first ever Dream Races appearance!
Expert% Arcade ShivaPSOBB General Andrews Another World Record attempt by Shiva? :D
any% NES General Andrews General Andrews We are Dreaming for Lupus awareness!
boogey% SNES General Andrews General Andrews This run is cursed so we are doing it again xD
Chat N/A General Andrews N/A Winding down and thanking everyone for the night!

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