
This is a little mini-marathon to 1.) have fun playing multiple games and 2.) to raise funds to offset costs for attending SGDQ2016. Total cost of the trip will be about $900.00 or more once you factor in the flight, hotel, food, etc. I am not expecting to raise nearly that much and can still afford to go even if I get no assistance, but any help is greatly appreciated as this could eat pretty significantly into my savings. I don't expect many people to toss money my way, but hopefully you'll at least show up to watch me play games I barely remember how to run (and a few I do remember). I may continue with some bonus games if I'm not feeling dead at the end.

Tipping link is here

Starts on

All dates and times are given in America/New_York timezone (UTC-04:00). All dates and times are given in your local timezone. The schedule was last updated .

Casual difficulty no DLC Slideyzoom
Extreme NG+ Master the Four Elephants
Prime NG+ co-Optimus Prime
All stages arcade mode, Joy Slideyzoom the 2nd
Any% Easy Grumpface best face
Any% Insane Die to bat heads
Insane NG+ I honestly don't even know

Ends at