Round 1 Races (Winners)

Starts on

All dates and times are given in UTC timezone (UTC+00:00). All dates and times are given in your local timezone. The schedule was last updated .

fivexual, Voetiem Hekigan
EpilepticOctopus, Hekigan Hekigan
EpilepticOctopus, FatMan922 Hekigan
BIINGOBONGOS, ParisNotFrance Hekigan
EpilepticOctopus, fivexual Hekigan
Saturday, May 09, 2020
Meteos_Probably, Sasky SpringStingray
Odejur, Sasky SpringStingray
Odejur, Sasky, Shafournee SpringStingray
Odejur, Shafournee, westersburg SpringStingray
BIINGOBONGOS, Shafournee, Hekigan SpringStingray
Sunday, May 10, 2020
BIINGOBONGOS, BluMage Meteos_Probably
BluMage, EpilepticOctopus Meteos_Probably
BlackbeltGingaNinja, EpilepticOctopus Meteos_Probably
BIINGOBONGOS, BluMage, Shafournee Meteos_Probably
BluMage, Topladluke Meteos_Probably
fivexual, Hekigan, Topladluke Meteos_Probably

Ends at