Nothin' But Sonic and Mario

This is a Charity Speedrunning Event featuring speedrunners of Sonic titles and Mario titles... 100% of all donations raised go directly to Child's Play Charity!

Watch the 2-Day event live starting Feb 2, 2019 @ 10 AM EST and Feb 3, 2019 @ 9 AM EST at

Support the charity during the event by visiting the Charity's Donation Page.

Starts on

All dates and times are given in America/New_York timezone (UTC-05:00).

SuperSonic71087 & GTAce99 NES Warpless {"setup":"10m"}
Boog2TheMan & SuperSonic71087 Genesis Beat the game Glitchless {"setup":"5m"}
PeekingBoo N64 DancePad 16 Star
Boog2TheMan PSP Sonic
MrFunisFun Wii All Dream Events {"setup":"10m"}
thugkjj & Yoschimiidtsu SNES Max Score
Raikou PC Tails Any%
Rawrg GBA Any% (or bid war)
Zaxon96 Genesis Any%
Big Jon NES All Courses
Big Jon GB Beat the Game
flying_fox Wii Any%
peterafroreturns PC any%
Shentok Sega Saturn Sonic into Dreams... {"setup":"10m"}
clarisdatcom & gamercal NES Randomizer
Sunday, February 3, 2019
zwataketa NDS Any%
zeldacubed1 3DS Any% {"setup":"10m"}
Mastakirby & JasperTheFish PC Sonic: Beat The Game
Iceplug Genesis none
Drakodan PC Hero Story
ddangers Switch World Peace
Mastakirby Gamecube 100% No OoB (Sonic/Super Sonic)
AmberCyprian & CoEmpathy Genesis Best Ending
peterafroreturns PC any% {"setup":"10m"}
Gpro_ & Fizzbiscuit PC Sonic's Story
GlitchCat7 SNES Any%
Kickasspancakes Genesis Sonic: Beat the Game {"setup":"10m"}
thugkjj & Milanii SNES 11 exit glitchless
TheGreenViper8 PC Any% Sonic No Skips
Sharky2107 GEN 16 Emeralds {"setup":"10m"}
Tecate & xeroxfiend FDS Worlds A-D Warpless - Mario
Shady_ Xbox Team Sonic
OliKad GBA Nitro Cups (150cc)
Finalflame & flying_fox PC Tails: Beat the Game
Jcool114 Wii Fast Any%
Zaxon96 Genesis Any%
Monday, February 4, 2019
Iceplug GB All 31 Exits
Finalflame GG Best Ending / All Emeralds %
Picante SNES Warpless D-4 (Mario) {"setup":"25m"}
MeItrs PC Dark Story + Save the Animals
Stewie_Cartman NES Any% Warpless
Rafalmir PC Sonic - Bad Ending
LaserBelch SNES Grand%

Ends at