Pixel Challenge 2018

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Starts on

All dates and times are given in America/New_York timezone (UTC-04:00).

Stream% Twitch noresetmarathon
Stream% Twitch noresetmarathon
Any% (DDA, RBA) X360 Pixel911
Any% PC Shokushu
Friday, April 6, 2018
elite% GBP Mastafredz7
Stream% Twitch noresetmarathon
any% DOS rockdet
any% v1.3 PC Pappy_QC
RNG% GBC* Mastafredz7
Any% PS2 Avasam0612
any% NSC (BTW route) GBC* rockdet
Co-op - Easy SGC* cestpatou, PlamZ
1P2C SNES ZerolagGaming
Any% PC Realtyz
No Major Glitches Any% SFC mixman320
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Any% PC (Steam) Avasam0612
Any% SNES DD_Gamingz
Stream% Twitch noresetmarathon
Zipless NES (emu) DD_Gamingz
Coop% NES DD_Gamingz //ZerolagGaming
100% SNES ZerolagGaming
Any% SNES Nastaros
Zero 100% GCN ZerolagGaming
Any% SNES (Wii VC) MorKsQC
Warpless NES SuperMegaDav
Warpless NES Producks
Any% NES Producks
11 exit Glitchless SNES Moo_moony
Quick 120 WiiVC darrow25
(WorldPeace%)/% Switch Karlyr_Na
Sunday, April 8, 2018
Any% GBP Mickeynow
Any% SNES BlackPliff
Sonic: Beat the Game SGC AceGamerSam
Hero Story GCN darrow25
Stream% Twitch noresetmarathon

Ends at