
Starts on

All dates and times are given in America/New_York timezone (UTC-04:00). All dates and times are given in your local timezone. The schedule was last updated .

Super Mario Maker 2 (Troll/Viewer Levels) $10 - BeanBoozled Jelly Bean, $50 - 5 Beans at the same time, $25 - Restart level (Lose Those Check Points!)
Mega Man X4 (Buster Only)
Super Fancy Pants Adventure (Any% NG+ Race) Donation incentive for Invisible% (Switch the game to invisible enemies, blocks, rails) - $50
Freedom Planet (Carol Classic) Freedom Planet 2 Neera run showcase (3 minute estimate) - $5
Skylanders: Imaginators Character Name Bidwar
Portal (Inbounds NoSLA)
Outlast (Any%)
Lenna's Inception (Perfect Run Ending) Bidwar for art style, character name, and world name
Sonic 1 and Sonic 2
Super Smash Bros Melee Gamer Tag Bidwar
Sleepy Time
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Bleed 2 (New Game Easy) and Hello Kitty Kruisers (All Tours) Hello Kitty Character Selection Bidwar
Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7 IL Speedrun 7-5
Stardew Valley
Hylics 1 and 2
Ducktales (Remastered)
Final Fantasy IV: Free Enterprise (Race) Cute vs Silly Final Boss Sprite Bidwar
Final Words/Thank You/Giveaways

Ends at