Main Schedule

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All dates and times are given in America/New_York timezone (UTC-04:00).

ScheduledEstimateTypeHosted byStreamInfo 
Panel @pIasmasword Plasmasword Plasmasword gets you warmed up with the hottest community-made Rave.DJ jams and heated arguments.
Ritual Fraud Krew robotboombox It's Pinata Time!
Panel Flynn Jeux Flynn_Jeux Showcasing such gems as 5D Chess with Time Travel, Chessplosion, and Shotgun King.
Tournament @pIasmasword Plasmasword Fightcade tournament. Sign up on Challonge to participate.
Tournament Flynn Jeux Flynn_Jeux Tournament done via Parsec. Sign up on Challonge to participate.
Tournament @pIasmasword Plasmasword Parsec tournament. Sign up on Challonge to participate.
Saturday, April 1, 2023
Tournament @Alexalchemy1 Alexalchemy Parsec tournament. Sign up on Challonge to participate.
Panel Frank robotboombox Watch the inhabitants of the FraudKave risk their health to experiment with fucked up food. This might be the one that kills somebody.
Watch-a-Long Frank robotboombox Hang out, kick your feet up, and watch a movie with the Fraud Krew.
Watch-a-Long Frank robotboombox Hang out, kick your feet up, and watch a movie with the Fraud Krew.
Panel @pIasmasword Plasmasword Plasmasword's marathoning a buncha fuckin' SHMUPS, and you're coming along for the ride, losers!
Panel Frank robotboombox May the force be with you when the brave Jedi of the Fraud Krew gather to Order 66 a great piece of consumable entertainment media with a sci-fi license attached to it. Most impressive!
Panel @pIasmasword Plasmasword A gathering specifically and EXCLUSIVELY for Dan mains in Puzzle Fighter.
Panel Frank robotboombox Retro games. How can you even afford to be in the same room as them legally?
Tournament Flynn Jeux Flynn_Jeux Parsec tournament. No, it's the first game. The one on Saturn. Not the sequel on Fightcade. Stop bringing that up. Sign up on Challonge to participate.
Tournament @JoePReal joepreal Fightcade tournament. Sign up on Challonge to participate.
Panel @ButlersRevenge robotboombox Butler and Kat have a whole new lineup of alcaholic confections to explore, based on Sawcon games!
Sunday, April 2, 2023
Tournament Frank robotboombox Fightcade tournament. Sign up on Challonge to participate.
Panel @ButlersRevenge robotboombox World premier of the cinematic masterpiece that will change material consumption of art forever. Stick around afterwards for a Q&A session with the visionary blueprint who had the foresight to make it all possible: Neil Smugman.
Panel @MelvanaChainsII grunkzone Melly and Erin cooked up a Royal Rumble full of the Fraud Krew OCs that have been piling up over the years, and only one warrior can walk out with a ticket to the big time. Who will survive?
Watch-a-Long Frank robotboombox Hang out, kick your feet up, and watch a movie with the Fraud Krew.
Watch-a-Long Frank robotboombox Hang out, kick your feet up, and watch a movie with the Fraud Krew.
DJ Set @pIasmasword Plasmasword DJ Plasma plays a new mix, dedicated and based entirely on The Old Timey computer Show.
Panel Frank robotboombox Frank and Plasmasword explore the amazingly secretively wide world of VOTOMS games. It's like Arrietty, but people die!
Tournament Frank robotboombox Parsec tournament. Sign up on Challonge to participate.
Tournament Flynn Jeux Flynn_Jeux Parsec tournament. Sign up on Challonge to participate.
Tournament @pIasmasword Plasmasword Fightcade tournament. Sign up on Challonge to participate.
Tournament @pIasmasword Plasmasword Fightcade tournament. Sign up on Challonge to participate.
Monday, April 3, 2023
Music Set @SkreamnR3dSkull Flynn_Jeux
Panel Flynn Jeux Flynn_Jeux Gex is love. Gex is life...
Watch-a-Long @pIasmasword robotboombox I dunno what you expect to read here that isn't already in the title, but... uhhh... the Fraud Krew talks over episodes of Gamesmaster...
Ritual Fraud Krew robotboombox Opening The Fucking Sticker Envelopes with Ed.
Watch-a-Long @pIasmasword robotboombox ACTIVATING T.O.D.D. PROTOCOL. PREPARE YOUR ANUS.

Ends at