
Starts on

All dates and times are given in UTC timezone (UTC+00:00). All dates and times are given in your local timezone. The schedule was last updated .

Silver Star vs. Mark MSX Softdrink Russia, USA, USA
Chinopolis vs. CPS vs. M.Knight Softdrink USA, Indonesia, France
Xaerock vs. TBD Ristar + Schooly D Finland, USA
tomzacz vs. Jaimers vs. Softdrink Chinopolis, Wabbylegs, Rezardi Poland, Netherlands, USA
kvasovy vs Master Succ Juju Kenobi + Plasmo (tentative) Ukraine, Russia
Aktane vs TH3V01D Chinopolis USA, Romania
SsjacsS vs FSM-V Squidheads, Silver Star Panama, Poland
APGBlazeBurn vs. Hueso Michiel (The Game's Creator) + Aktane Spain, Spain
Chinopolis vs. Wabbylegs vs. Rezardi Plasmo Germany, USA, USA
Juju Kenobi vs. Meriscan Mark MSX France, Netherlands
Meriscan vs. Kiwi vs. jonasnotfound Jaimers Netherlands, USA, Norway
Kiwi vs. Jonas not found Softdrink USA, Hungary, Norway
Baf vs. Rezardi Softdrink Italy, Germany
Rezardi vs. BrianReboot Mark MSX Germany, Japan

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