Shots Fired 2: Reloaded

Starts on

All dates and times are given in America/Toronto timezone (UTC-04:00).

Any% DraQu_
Any% FingerQuick
Any% NG+ isBullets
All Levels Easy Realmcopier
Any% BEARDYduck
Default Difficulty PvtCb
Any% Cubeface21
Any% M_tt
Friday, June 3, 2016
Any% BEARDYduck
Any% Bl00d_Thunder
Any% Bl00d_Thunder
UV Max Cyberdemon531
Any% NG+ xTorcox
Any% TheRuseman
Easy Zexion6
Any% SovietWaffle
Any% PowderedMilk_
Any% Bingchang
Any% SuicideMachine
SP Any% Jonoabbo
Jill Any% Glitchless ThePsychoripper
Any% Monsoon SS_Onin
Any% PC RandomPinkBunny
Sprint% Tezur0
Any% Brainfluid
Alien% SuicideMachine
Any% Truljin
Any% (Enhanced Mode) Truljin
Any% Ellieceraptor
Any% (Xbox) Midnight_Vesper
Any% Swartt
Any% Hard Cubeface21
Berserker% Cubeface21
Any% DraQu_
Any% Igniteyo
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Any% (Operative) OllieNK
Any% KungKobra
Any% Bubblesdelfuego
Legendary NG+ HeroicRobb
Easy 2 Player Co-op Backflip9 & Halodude862
Legendary DistroTV
Any% NG+ DeadRobots
Any% (Easy) Arctice
0% HerculesBenchpress
Any% Halodude862
Any% PC ThePsychoripper
Any% ThePsychoRipper
Any% Alnak
Any% Alnak
Any% Saito_TV
Any% Sajiki
Any% SphereMJ
Any% Co-op SeductiveSpatula & Joelnir
Any% Edzan13
Any% BEARDYduck
Any% ThePsychoripper
CO-OP JURY DrTChops & Shaddex
Any% Yoshipro101
Sunday, June 5, 2016
NG+ Any% Brsmstr
4p Co-op Halodude862, Danblast86, Tensesummer & Backflip9
Any% FingerQuick
Kill An Animal FingerQuick
Any% Combat Lady TheWanderingMind vs. ZachSK
Any% DraQu_
Any% NG+ MunchaKoopas
Any% DeadRobots
Any% The_ Metric_ System
Any% Hard Tezur0
Any% Hekigan vs. Voetiem
Legendary ColdGrunter vs. GarishGoblin
Legendary Cryphon
Easy TehDanza
Any% Truljin
Any% Truljin
Any% Truljin
Any% KungKobra
Any% Altabiscuit
Any% Yoshipro101
Beat The Game Bl00d_ Thunder vs. 5exual_ Tyrannosaurus_
Any% Arzga
Any% Arzga
Easy (SS) PJCtv
Any% Heinki
Any% Heinki
Any% with cutscenes Theboyks
Monday, June 6, 2016
Any% (Dead on Arrival) Saintmillion
Any% Bl00d_Thunder
Any% (Yes) DrTChops
Any% NG+ Prime Difficulty Halfcoordinated
Any% (Nightmare) DraQu_

Ends at