SPDRN TrackMarathon 2020 Schedules

The SPDRN TrackMarathon 2020 is the first online speedrun marathon dedicated to the TrackMania racing video game franchise. The event will be broadcasted live on Twitch in French and English considering the very strong French community on TrackMania games.

TrackMania games are among the most played racing games but these games have only been showcased a couple of times in previous marathons (ESA Summer 2017 & 2019, A Race Against Time #3, STA Sunshine 2019). The main goal of this marathon is to show how much TrackMania games are fun and interesting to speedrun. The other goal is to expand the TrackMania speedrun community and to develop regular speedrun events on TrackMania games.

This marathon will allow you to challenge your friends thanks to multiple speedrun races on popular TrackMania speedrun categories. Streaming your participation to the speedrun races is recommanded to help the cast of the event but it is not mandatory.