esports test
Starts on
All dates and times are given in UTC timezone (UTC+00:00). All dates and times are given in your local timezone. The schedule was last updated .
Scheduled | team1name | Estimate | team1shortname | playersteam1 | team1extrainfo | team2name | team2shortname | playersteam2 | team2extrainfo | |
Evil Geniuses | EG | Sumail, Arteezy, zai, Insania, Fly | Team Secret | TS | Puppey, Kuroky, iceiceice, Matumbaman, MidOne | |||||
Na'Vi | NV | Dendi, MayBe, DuBu, ForSen, Uncle Gab | Dignitas | DIG | XCaliber, alwaysgonnafly, Gargy, Super, s4 | |||||
Team Undying | TU | ReVerse, GVirus, Collapse, sexybamboe, Yfaster | Team Liquid | TL | Yaphets, Ulmer, Juniper, Galaktic, Jumpforce |