Themeathon Introduction Marathon

Starts on

All dates and times are given in Europe/Berlin timezone (UTC+01:00).

Intro Talking%
Mirror's Edge 100%
Barney's Hide & Seek Any%
Final Flames 2 Any%
Metal Slug Medium Mode
Meta Knightmare (Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland) Any%
Doom II: Hell on Earth & more Any% & More%
Couchgaming Couch%
Saturday, March 4, 2017
The Nutshack: The Game 100% (RACE)
Focus (by Jesse Venbrux) Any% Original
Touhou 12.5 Double Spoiler Any%
No One Lives Forever 2 Any% All Sidequests
Mirror's Edge Catalyst NG+
Donkey Kong Country All Stages
Initial D: Special Stage Takumi's Story
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle Dark Story
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas LS%
Sunday, March 5, 2017
The Stanley Parable 12 Endings, Saves not used
Starseed (VR) Any%
Dora the Explorer Any%

Ends at