Thunderthon 2021 Main Schedule

Starts on

All dates and times are given in Europe/Stockholm timezone (UTC+02:00). All dates and times are given in your local timezone. The schedule was last updated .

All Levels, Inbounds PlayStation TaintedTali Chad_Thorsen
Any% GCN earllgray Chad_Thorsen
All Base Scenarios PC ceaselessly Chad_Thorsen
Any% Showcase PC Riekelt thebpg13
Any% GOTY PC tpasalt thebpg13
Separate Ways+ PC mysterion06 thebpg13
Knife Only [Low%] (PC) - Nightmare Difficulty PC LegacyGR ArcadiaSkies
NG Nero/Dante/V Human PlayStation 5 TheScruffington ArcadiaSkies
Friday, June 18, 2021
Any% (No Oob) GCN splazergames DeJumbi
Knife Only Easy PC nyiddle DeJumbi
Any% (Zero Mission) GBC TempestMask1000 SerAvium
Any% PC Froob SerAvium
Any% No Ring Normal PC derrickito d13sel
Minigame Island - Any% (Basic) 3DS DoubleDubbel Chad_Thorsen
Jill Best Ending (PC, Doorskip) PC KJ_Ender MoonrunesV2
New Game Easy Any% PC bignono Chad_Thorsen
Beat The Game Xbox 360 antiaaron TaintedTali
80 Dragons PlayStation 5 sabledragonrook TaintedTali
All Bosses PC jkxwing ArcadiaSkies
Saturday, June 19, 2021
Any% Glitched PC rjsmangit Xoneris
Any% NES iraqvet0304 vs guynextdoor717 painkiller_jenn
Any% - Standard PC Mekarazium painkiller_jenn
Single Story H'aanit PC xoneris painkiller_jenn
Any% PlayStation 2 bombom d13sel + TaintedTali
Score Exhibition Arcade eerokurkisuo MoonrunesV2
Ford Challenge (Any%) PC thebpg13 MoonrunesV2
Any% PC coffee SerAvium
Timeskip (New Game) PC streetbackguy painkiller_jenn
Glitchless N64 danspence94 painkiller_jenn + tophu
All Cutscenes Wii juh0rse DiamondDogez
Sunday, June 20, 2021
All Dog Treasures Switch cbf__ DiamondDogez + ArcadiaSkies
Glitched Password (Dashless) SNES siberianbull9 ArcadiaSkies
HTA Bossrush PlayStation 4 rubiehart SerAvium
Any% GBC texanredwolf SerAvium
Any% No OOB PC miinfin Xoneris
Any% Xbox Series X Stevetvonline TaintedTali + MoonrunesV2 + DECosmic
Any% NG+ Lethal PlayStation 4 Pro Aeshmah_ TearNa_Lor
Any% Easy PC hau5test Tearna_lor
Any% (1.0) PC Chottue tophu
Any% New3DS mrtyton tophu
Vergil PC LonerHero tophu
Any% PlayStation amai_fox ArcadiaSkies
Monday, June 21, 2021
Any% Glitchless GB KonceptionSR Xoneris
All Main Stages PC teddy DiamondDogez
Any% PlayStation 2 DemonicRobots DiamondDogez

Ends at