Starts on

All dates and times are given in UTC timezone (UTC+00:00). All dates and times are given in your local timezone. The schedule was last updated .

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Any% No SSU
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - OHKO Las Venturas
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories All Unique Stunts
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City AIUNCP
Grand Theft Auto III Any%
Grand Theft Auto V Classic%
Grand Theft Auto IV Any%
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Grand Theft Auto V All Stunt Jumps
Grand Theft Auto V A Close Shave
True Crime: New York City Any%
Grand Theft Auto IV Most Wanted
Grand Theft Auto V Bingo
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - OHKO LS+Badlands
Grand Theft Auto Online All Survivals
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - OHKO San Fierro
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Bingo
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories Any%
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City All Missions
Friday, April 19, 2019
Grand Theft Auto V 100%
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories All Rampages
Grand Theft Auto: The Lost and Damned Any%
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas MDvMMw/CE
Grand Theft Auto III Bingo
Grand Theft Auto IV Bingo
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony Any%
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories Any%
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Any%
Grand Theft Auto III 100%
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 35/36 USJs
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - OHKO Return to LS
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories Bingo
Grand Theft Auto III All Unique Stunts
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 100%
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven Any%
Grand Theft Auto 2 100%
Grand Theft Auto III Any% OHKO
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories All Red Balloons
Grand Theft Auto 2 All Bonuses
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Chaos%
Grand Theft Auto Party

Ends at