Lan ÉTS 2020


Starts on

All dates and times are given in America/New_York timezone (UTC-05:00).

Showcase SNES (emu) Shokushu & DD_g
Sonic & Tails Story GCN PerfectQuest
Knight or Queen League (TBD) SNES (Emu) Moliman22
100% SFC/SNES NightZerker
100% SNES AiKio
Any% GCN ZerolagGaming
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Freudia PC Darko_RTA
10 NES Meme Games NES skateman222
NG Easy Playstation JWRHarding
any% New Game (PC) KatLink
no major skip PC (Steam) MaxKetchumz
Any% PC Deln
Goldfinger XBox 360 DaisyFannn
Any% PC GravelFreeman
NTSC - Game 4 - 15-Minute Limit (Points) Atari VCS/2600 teebee_303
100% 1P PC (Flash player) g0goTBC
Any % PC (Steam) BenshowSly
any% SNES TM9001
Any % Easy Famicom+SNES Octopilion
Any % Arcade (MAME sur PC) Octopilion
Blind Race PC ZerolagGaming/Darko_RTA
NG+ NoCheats Playstation 3 MarthSR
16 Star N64 Hyxost vs VideoGameRoulette
Retro Tracks (No Items, No Skips) Wii ActuallyImJerome vs. Nico_mkwii
Any% NES/SNES Ce_Mec
Any% Switch Karlyr_
Any% PC Nitrofski
All Achievements PC mohoc7
Master Sword Unrestricted Blindfolded SNES parisianplayer
NG+ Human PS4 PRO LilxStarxJo
Leon A playstation 4 1handgod
Sunday, February 16, 2020
New Game+ Coop PC NamajnaG
Any % Easy (PC) SavageSaskatch
Law Ending SFC/SNES Electra_RTA
Any % N64 Flux_500
All Missions Nintendo DS Chwarles
Any % GBA (Gameboy Player) SuperMegaDav
Story mode all levels Gamecube (Wii) Darrow25
100% No Major Glitches NES SuperBigKMart
Reverse Boss Order (PC) VideoGameRoulette
Kindergarden % emu snes Lordfixx
70 star PC (emulator) sawce_bawss vs AceGamerSam
Any% NES (Emu) Acmlm
Beat the game Game Boy Player ZandraVandra
Any % Switch LouLouCore
Linear No OOB (PC) turtlewaxtv
Picnic Panic DLC No OoB NG PC (Steam) JCBoorgo

Ends at