magFAST 2025

Starts on

All dates and times are given in America/New_York timezone (UTC-05:00). All dates and times are given in your local timezone. The schedule was last updated .

We promise we're ready to start at Noon% magFAST Staff
Froggie% BlazeBops
With special guest Lilith, the developer of Nightmare Kart! j0kerr
Exhibition run of the Arcade Cabitnet version of Nightmare Kart with j0kerr, Lilith and Arcade Commons! Arcade Commons
MIVS (MAGFest Indie Videogame Showcase) Jeistar
MIVS (MAGFest Indie Videogame Showcase) Dusk Sharp
MIVS (MAGFest Indie Videogame Showcase) YYR Games
MIVS (MAGFest Indie Videogame Showcase) Daylight Basement Studio
Master Run zelafl
Custom Challenges made by our own MAG staff! GreenZsaber
With special guest Retroware, the developers for Iron Meat! GreenZsaber
With special guest Masashi Kageyama, composer of Gimmick! GreenZsaber
FF7 WEAPONS - Ruby, Emerald & Diamond - Full Solo Run Ralfington
ALEXANDER (Savage) - Father, Son, & Creator - Full Solo Run Ralfington
One Shot Epoch DM of Ceremonies
Friday, January 24, 2025
Chill(idog)% Tterraj42
Co-Op - Any % - No Memory Manipulation - Trivia Competition debianchan & stump230
VC3 Mod Vermillion0105
Dragon's Lair 1 & 2 with Space Ace flannelkat
Any% Johnnygo
S Rank - Saber Only GreenZsaber
BID WAR: X 100%, UA Any%, and X Low% Johnnygo
100% XeroBladeEdge
Demo Preview rrthiel
With special guest, 88bit (Rob Kovacs) on piano! TheSkipper1995
TASbot DwangoAC
Controller Cam Showcase BlazeBops
GoldenRings% Juggleboy
Idol Performance RoyalBuckss
Karaoke% BlazeBops
Tails Doll Run Risuruuu
Boss Rush rubiehartgaming
TBA GamerBro4533
All Dungeons Keysanity ninjembro
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Randomizer CDrom1019
Maximum Item Randomizer BadNewsNate
PC True RNG Vermillion0105
Sonic 2 can only be played during Sonic 06 loading screens% BlazeBops & ItsTheHutch
BIG% (we're going to find Big the Cat... everywhere) IDGeek
With special guest Tee Lopes, the composer of the Sonic Mania. Hawkfoot
TASBot DwangoAC
TASBot DwangoAC
TASBot DwangoAC
Sonic Story Race with special guest Ryan Drummond, Voice of Sonic in SA. Withermin vs IDGeek
16 Star Race - Best 2 out of 3 allgood228 vs RipSalty
With Ducktails NES Bonus Run GamerBro4533
Sunday, January 26, 2025
TBA flannelkat
8-Bit/Linear - No OoB - New Game+ Miller2b
Any% apathyduck
Any% apathyduck
Deluxe Remaster - Ending A Paymonster
The Full Experience (100% of Cutscenes) GreenZsaber
Any% Crak_Atak
NG+ - Chaos Finale Crak_Atak
All Main Quests musical_daredevil
Casual play of Sonic Shuffle, Sonic The Fighters and Sonic SuperStars magFAST Staff & YOU

Ends at