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All dates and times are given in America/New_York timezone (UTC-04:00). All dates and times are given in your local timezone. The schedule was last updated .

Stream% Twitch noresetspeedrun GVirus
Any% PC XenWarrior AGreatWaffle
Matchbox% SNES decapent316 AGreatWaffle
Any% (Warps) SNES Volwrath AGreatWaffle
All Skill No OOT/TA PC TaciturneMM AGreatWaffle
1CC MAME Liquidus0 dazzlingsephora
Normal 1CC PC Naramgamjan, SFKhoa dazzlingsephora
Normal - Vega SNES Methodcobra dazzlingsephora
Saturday, September 07, 2024
Any% Switch BethLame dazzlingsephora
IDT% SNES CINDzY, moo_moony dumbledope
All Bosses PC Easy PC Will0H_ dumbledope
Any% - Bad Ending PC MiniSebrango dumbledope
No Levels Early N64 Bismuth9, Znernicus, Auphonium, Obiyo, CornCobx0 Skullkid_64
0-20 SNES Acmlm Skullkid_64
Blindfold Duel PC MCLaSorciere, CINDzY Skullkid_64
Any% SNES Varance1023 XenWarrior
Any% NES mynameisjoey XenWarrior
Any% N64 MorKsQC Pappy
100% PC Lightmopp Pappy
Speedrun Mode PC Moliman__, saulian Pappy
Any% NES Layna_Kitty Pappy
Any% NES MartyyVengeance Pappy
Any% easy SNES CynanMachae, xKryptixx, YoureWithStupid, Moliman__ Pappy
All Cups NGC max954, Ce_Mec Agedturtles
NG+ Normal PC ZerolagGaming Agedturtles
Glitchless PC TeaKlowee Agedturtles
Any% (No OOB) NGC Skullkid_64 Agedturtles
Marriage% SNES MaxKetchumz Teaklowee
Alucard Any% NSC Xbox 360 cooldogTAMZ Teaklowee
Warpless NES CrebleStar Teaklowee
Any% NG+ Co-Op No OOB PC NicolasMcLovin, AGreatWaffle, AgedTurtles, YoureWithStupid Teaklowee
100% SNES DrLightLive Teaklowee
All stages / Any% / Any% SNES rockjmt, V0oid, Ce_Mec CINDZY
Any% No OOB PC Deinoka, Mickrowatts GVirus
Sunday, September 08, 2024
Showcase Other iidxkrel, cooldogTAMZ, iidxbarry iCe_MoUtOn
NG+ Any% Glitchless PC xKryptixx GVirus
Any% Glitchless Memory Ending PC SavageSaskatch Wish_gd
Survival - Best Ending PC DysphaGeek Wish_gd
Any% GBA NicoPlaysThings Mastafredz7
NG+ Wii MonsieurTiguidou Mastafredz7
Max JP3 SNES SuperBigKMart dumbledope
Any% NES MarthSR dumbledope
Campaign Co-Op PC Dracula013, rockdet, moo_moony, MastaFredz7 dumbledope
Any% SNES Deinoka, FrostyQc, xKryptixx, LittleMsArcade Silver Triforce
Warpless 8-4, Mario NES SuperMegaDav Silver Triforce
Perusse Edition SNES GeekSeignant Silver Triforce
100% SNES SACHi_1 iCe_MoUtOn
Triple Meme Treat N64 StandingWaltz dazzlingsephora
100% SNES Audraxys GVirus
All Dungeons (1.1.1) Switch LouLouCore iCe_MoUtOn
Stream% Twitch noresetspeedrun GVirus

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