Maratona SGPT MAR10 Day 2023

Starts on

All dates and times are given in America/Bahia timezone (UTC-03:00). All dates and times are given in your local timezone. The schedule was last updated .

Bowser% N64 LD
All Tracks SNES LD
Blind Race Levels SNES Natsu
No Starworld SNES DunkelGotik vs RedKiller
96 Exit SNES MasterGui vs thugkjj vs RedKiller vs Narti
48 Tracks (200cc - Items) Switch Cuca vs Caku
All Exits SNES YuriDensetsu
Any% Route SNES Natsu
Any% SNES RedKiller
Any% SNES Natsu
Any% SNES rokero171

Ends at