Maratón Argentina de Speedrun 3

Starts on

All dates and times are given in America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires timezone (UTC-03:00). All dates and times are given in your local timezone. The schedule was last updated .

Buenos Dias all% PC Todos
Cuphead All Flags NMG Regular PC Cyberlokii
I-Ninja New Game+ All Levels PC Delk
Lightmatter Any% NMG PC NachoTheAdventurer
Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Training All Events Win PC Helienne
Beep Boop - Boop Beep TOP Secret% WindowsMR Boop Beep
Sonic Adventure DX All Stories PC Anisho, Paltha
Final Fantasy VII PC Any% 30fps PC Weylok
Quake Remastered Any% PC Vardemir
Quake II 100% Controller - Easy (PS1) PS LeoBoosted
Dark Souls 3 Glitchless any% PC danisangb, HemlocksVirtue, Mondkatze
A mimir Lv1% Almohada Todos
Saturday, December 11, 2021
Metal Slug X Co-op - Easy - Winkawaks Arcade LeoBoosted, Kendo, Vardemir, Enri
Streets of Rage Axel - Normal - No% Genesis Vardemir
Tetris Effect: Connected Connected All Areas PC Dazer0, mrfaq2014, RaikoTS
Sonic Ring Shuffler Showcase Genesis Izanagifonfabre, Vardemir
Ender Lillies: Quietus of the Knights Ending C Randomizer PC TBA
Pikuniku Any% No Major Skip Glitchless PC LeoBoosted, Izanagifonfabre, Vardemir
Sonic Generations Unleashed Project PC NachoTheAdventurer
The Flintstones: The Surprise at Dinosaur's Peak Any% (No Manipulation) NES TBA
Everhood Pacifist (Glitched) PC Chemigoku
Journey White Robe Coop Any% Glitchless PC Izanagifonfabre
VCB: Why City Any% PC Weylok
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition All Skills (No OOB/TA) PC enri
Mystik Belle True Ending Easier PC TBA
A mimir Lv2% Almohada TBA
Sunday, December 12, 2021
Metal Slug 4 Medium (WinKawaks) Arcade CyberLokii, Hisu
Home Alone Any% NES TBA
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time Coop No WW - Easy SNES Hisukurifu, Vardemir
Juego Secreto (? =) PC SeñorBoosted
Deltarune All Chapters - Any% - Glitchless PC Hado
The Simpsons: Hit & Run All Story Missions Vs No Mission Warps PC Delk, Lexunam
Steven Universe: Save the Light All Bosses PC Varldin, CyberLokii, PolarBear, Anisho
CrossCode All Dungeons PC TBA
Mortal Kombat 2 Showcase Arcade Vardemir
Silent Hill: Origins UFO Ending PS TBA
Antichamber 100% PC Chemi
Todos! Final Level% MARS Todos

Ends at