Starts on

All dates and times are given in America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires timezone (UTC-03:00).

Inicio% PC2
Any% NG PC PaulKnives
100% Randomized PC Leoboosted
NG Good Ending PC La_Lenore
Run to the Hills PC Davehunter Sephi
Any% PC EsAndreas
Any% RTA PC Davehunter Sephi
Team Sonic LTS PC NachoTheAdventurer
Any% PC Brownd
Almohada% Cama
Sunday, December 17, 2023
Electric Bogaloo 3 PC3
Any% PC 60fps Assisted PC SoyHisu
Any% PS1 PS2 Ghostsenpai
100% Controller Hard PS1 Vardemir
From Dusk til Casa Bonita PC CyberLokii
Blaze - Normal No% Genesis Droned
Coop - Any% 3 Players Megamania PC Kendo - Droned - Apinardo
Any% 1P1C - Rafael SNES Vardemir
Easy Overclock Arcade Vardemir
NG PC la_lenore
Hero Story NG PC NachoTheAdventurer
Saluditos% PC4

Ends at