Global Game Jam 2020

Starts on

All dates and times are given in Europe/Paris timezone (UTC+01:00). All dates and times are given in your local timezone. The schedule was last updated .

UV Speed RTA S6Kana PC
Any% Zigouigoui NES
Any% Zigouigoui NES
Easy Any% RTA S6Kana PC
Stream% STA Twitch
Any% Hawkrex vs. linkboss GB
Any% Bug Limit Ætienne Switch
Saturday, February 01, 2020
Superplay Elblaireau PC
Any% Hawkrex PS1
Any% No SEB MisterPanda Megadrive
Any% Sonic linkboss Megadrive
Bonne nuit Nounours Matelas
Any% Aulos GB
No WW/OOB Aulos GB
Any% ACE Lizenn GB
Superplay Hawkrex PS4
Bug% Tout le monde PC

Ends at