Staff Them All 2021

Starts on

All dates and times are given in Europe/Paris timezone (UTC+01:00). All dates and times are given in your local timezone. The schedule was last updated .

Micro% STA Scène
Any% NoSEB MisterPanda Genesis
1CC Novice Boost Blaireau PC
Story Normal Blaireau PC
Any% Sonic linkboss Genesis
Catch 'Em All Ætienne GBC
Any% San GBA
Any% Soku PC
Intiation STA Switch/Genesis
Any% Banzai PC
Sunday, December 19, 2021
Any% Bug-Limit Ætienne Switch
Coop Arcade Easy linkboss & SPR Switch
Couette% STA Lit douillet
Any% Soma PSP
Superplay Soma PC
lvl1 only CD 4 Itsukushimu PS1
All Career Maps Blackmoxxi PC
New Game Any% Ætienne Switch
Any% Foine PC
Any% NG+ San PC
Goku Any% SPR GBA
Micro% STA Scène

Ends at