2017 (Stream One)

ESA Header Banner ESA 2017 is a speedrunning centred community meetup and marathon. The doors are open from Friday the 21st of July until Sunday the 30th of July at 11:59pm The stream is planned to run from the evening of the 22nd of July the evening of the 29th of July.

SETUP Games: These are basically buffer blocks in case something goes horribly wrong. The games will only be played in their specified timeslot if the marathon is not too far behind schedule at that point. However, all SETUP games that don't get shown will be played at the end of the 2nd stream.

Starts on

All dates and times are given in Europe/Berlin timezone (UTC+02:00).

Edenal, Planks, Maral Real Life Any% Co-Op
FingersTehHand PC Any%
DrTChops PC All Collectibles
heny PC Any%
Ectortutu PC Any%
Sunday, July 23, 2017
mrtiger92 PC Any%
Naegleria Dreamcast Bad Ending
BaalNocturno vs. legrandgrand GBP Any% No intro Race
ZodaNOR NES Any%
EndySWE NES Any% Easy
Purjo83, Frippen87 NES Any% (2 players) Co-Op
Spiriax SNES Any%
Eagle vs. Dragonfangs GBA 100% Normal Race
UltimaOmega07 PC Any%
Spam PC All Flags
Jackintoshh PC NG+ All Levels
Jackintoshh PC NG+ Any% SETUP Game
Savusukka PC Easy
Tezur0 PC Any%
Monday, July 24, 2017
Brainfluid, Sphere PC Any% Easy Co-Op
Congruence PC 100%
FroobMcGuffin PC Any% (Female Titan)
geurge Genesis All Bosses
KennyMan666 PC Ekoro
Irregularjinny 3DS Any% Copen
GarfieldTheLightning 3DS Any%
Thextera PS2 Any% PS1
Herreteman 3DS Any%
Fuzzyness vs. Linkus7 WiiU Any% Race
MrTau vs. Leemyy PC Any% Race
MrWalrus vs. ZooKetra PC Any% Race
praskOo PC Any%
Sajiki PC Human Campaign
SeductiveSpatula PC Traffic Desk SETUP Game
Zet PC Any %
Mageikk PC Any%
Tezur0 PC Any% Hard
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Janmumrik PC Any%
Pjoxt PC Any%
turothking PC Any%
Mergy GBA Any%
Chowzter PS2 PSX Disc US Any%
mikl PS2 All Keys / Any% Category Bidwar
Dutchj vs. Danieru_Itachi Wii Any% Race
Riekelt PS2 Any%
SSBMstuff PS2 100%
SSBMstuff PS2 Any% (No Item Glitch)
Pull PS2 Any% Warpless
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Daggyboi PS2 Single Events All Platinum Medals
tyriounet vs. Shrimp PC Pass the Inspection Race
epicdudeguy PC True Ending Zipless
SirRouven 3DS Any%
bangerra PC Any%
Oh_DeeR GB Any%
Oh_DeeR GB Any% Glitchless
Famarok vs. Mr_Shasta GBP 100% Race
uhTrance PC Any%
Ellieceraptor PC All Secrets
UltimaOmega07 PC Any%
BBF, Mrzwanzig PC Two Players - Unlock Mario
KZ_FREW PC All Missions
Magn00zl PC Leon A
Pessimism PC New Game 100% Category Bidwar
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Feral5x SNES Any% SETUP game
Mr_Shasta GCN Operative Difficulty
SerSanju PS3 Any%
Yajijy vs. Urinstein PC Any% Race
KrazyRasmus vs. berlindude1 SMS Any% Race
Edenal GameGear Any% - Wicked
btrim, Greenalink GameGear Game Gear Co-Op
TheMexicanRunner SNES Any% Difficult
Drakodan SNES Any% Normal
Crrool vs. boxmeister vs. IndDragPack PSP Any% (PSP) Race
Javi GCN Any% No Oob
SSBMstuff PS2 14 Talismans
joka PC 100% Skype Commentary
a_moustache vs. Drakodan vs. Nim PC Hero Story Race
Muttski SNES Any%, No Exploration Glitch
Burb NES Any%
TheMexicanRunner SNES Any%
Metako X360 Alucard Glitchless Any%
Shirdel PS2 Story Mode: Unlock All Endings (1 Round)
CapitaineToinon PC Any%
Miltent PC All Bosses
Friday, July 28, 2017
uhTrance PC Any%
JanMumrik PC NG+Any%
KrazyRasmus vs. btrim SMS Warpless Race
iiSalad PS2 Any%
SeductiveSpatula, HaosEdge PC Challenge Co-Op Co-Op
SuperSqank XBOX Any%
Crrool PC Any%
Zet PC Any%
TheMexicanRunner NES Any%
joka SNES Any% Forte
COOLKID vs. CartinaCow NES Zipless Race
ZodaNOR NES Any% (Difficult)
btfm PS3 Any%
Ajarmar vs. btfm Wii Any% Race
TheMexicanRunner NES Warpless
dxtr NES Pacifist
CartinaCow vs. EndySWE NES Any% Race
Matte PC 106%
Pull PC Extra
mrtiger92 WiiUVC Any%
Cropax, MrWalrus PC NG+ Coop Any% Co-Op
HaosEdge vs. Kazzadan PC NG Any% Race
MLSTRM, eTholon, Dragonfangs, Cereth PC Any% 4 players Co-Op
Saturday, July 29, 2017
Drakodan vs. Firepaw PC Genocide Race
UselessBrit vs. Monojira PC Any% Current Patch Race
legrandgrand Wii NG C ending
FroobMcGuffin PC Any%
SuperSqank PS2 All Platinum Bolts
tarnawina vs. Ricky PS2 NG+ Any% Race
Raggen71 WiiVC Any% (Glitchless)
epicdudeguy GBP Any%
Edenal, Planks HostCouch 100%

Ends at