2023 - Winter (Stream One)

ESA Winter 2023

ESA Winter 2023 is a week-long in-person speedrunning marathon, featuring speedrunners and score-attackers from all around the world with the primary goal of raising money for our charity partner Alzheimerfonden. The Swedish Alzheimer’s Foundation wants nothing less than to eradicate dementia once and for all. To achieve this goal they fund the research for preventive measures, inhibiting drugs and ultimately a cure.

The event is held in the familiar conference space of the Quality Hotel View in Malmö (Sweden), just across the bridge of the large international Copenhagen airport.

Starts on

All dates and times are given in Europe/Berlin timezone (UTC+01:00).

christianroyle PC Any% (Unrestricted)
Evanicia PC Any%
English_Ben PC Tightened Vice
__LoS_ PC Any% (Original)
LeoKeidran PC Glitchless
shox PC Any% (Terran, No Dialogue Skips)
Riekelt, Lordmau5 PC Beat the Farmer Coop
Bubzia WiiVC Any% Blindfolded (Defeat Ganon)
Aeshmah, TaintedTali PC NG+ (No 1-1, No Rocket, AMA) Coop
Sunday, February 19, 2023
Nukie Wii 100%
7eraser7 vs. Xoneris PC Any% (PC vs GBA) Race
CafeEla GBA Marriage Bid War
Leonmachar PC Altruist
KassXCII PC Any%
OckE PC Dash Only
Planks IRL All Screws
opartyjesper & Friends Arcade Showcase
MissMikkaa PC All Remembrances (Dance Pad)
Bubzia Switch Any% (Blindfolded)
thewoofs PC Any%
sylwer Switch Any%
Monday, February 20, 2023
Plexa, quadraaceps Switch Any% (Normal, w/ DLC) Relay
LaserTrap_ DS All Levels (1.0)
captainpaxo6746 PC Any% (Restricted, N0CUT5)
Kaethil, Rasschla PC Any% Coop
AEtienne Switch Any% (No OoB) SETUP GAME
Edenal vs. Miri IRL 100% ($25%) Race
Brakk0n PlayStation 2 All Dog Tags (Extreme)
the_stellar PlayStation 2 All Flies
tharixer PC Any% (All Cutscenes)
huds601 PC Beat the Game (Sonic & Tails, Glitched)
Greenalink PC Arcade (Chill, Raphael)
Celina SNES Survive the Chat
catalystz PC All Remembrances (Glitchless)
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Marisa PC White's Heaven Rush
TaintedTali, NicowithaC PC NG+ (Amateur, Jake) Coop
Riko PlayStation 2 105%
Shigan_ Switch All Boards (Easy)
bowiethehero PlayStation 2 Any%
Zet vs. Paulister PC Any% (LOVE 3) Race
Aeshmah, rebeldragon95, 97ames, Nashlax, DreeGon IRL Any% Coop
janmumrik PC Any% SETUP GAME
Eris PC Any%
Sphere PC Easy Run
SuiMachine PC Any%
sajiki PC Any% (No SL, EB)
catalystz PC Any% (Standard)
Joshimuz PC 69/70 Stunt Jumps
Kelvin, Zepheniah, mystery, z2sam, mat1jaczyyy PC Showcase (40 Lines + Blitz + Multiplayer)
impursky PC Any% (w/ Bug Jump)
cookienaval PC All Clear Gems
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
97ames PlayStation 5 Any% (Proud)
Plexa WiiU Any%
bowiethehero PlayStation 5 Any%
oknem PC Any%
zoton2 PC Prologue
Rasschla GBC Beat The Game (Easy)
patti2 PC Any%
KillerChair PC Arcade Mode (Normal)
RuffledBricks PC All Missions (Worms 2 Plus)
Smaugy WiiVC 100% (Glitchless)
DreeGon PlayStation 5 Any% (No DLC)
Argick PC Any%
Thursday, February 23, 2023
YatogamiNL X360 Boss Rush (All Stories)
Fuzzyness N64 Any% (Glitchless)
SerSanju PC Any% (No Infinite Jump)
rebeldragon95 PlayStation 5 The Kaito Files (Any%, Easy)
Elkjaer PlayStation 5 NG+ (Ultra Hard)
cousin PlayStation All Licenses SETUP GAME
Joshimuz PC Any% (No 3rd party FPS cap)
howlinmadmike Amiga Any%
TinyTim78 PC Any%
neomatamune GBC Ending 1
BSG & Friends GBP Heading Out 99 RMS Relay
Nashlax, Edenal PC 4 Stages Relay
360Chrism GBI Beat Rayquaza
halqery vs. crisisaurus Switch Any% (Scarlet vs. Violet) Race
Friday, February 24, 2023
Celina PC Survive the Chat
FreshRigi PC Chapter 4 (Saint Denis)
StoRmsN PC 100%
TODDs_Telemedien PC Main Quest (Glitchless, Novice)
jphpue PC Any%
Shigan_ PC All Areas - Standard
G3neziz GBP Any%
ViperUK PC Any%
huds601 PC Beat The Game (Sonic)
G3neziz GBP Any% (No Item Underflow)
360Chrism PC Shopsanity Full Item Randomizer
Shigan_ PC Any%
FoxyJira PlayStation 5 Intermission (Normal)
opartyjesper & Friends Arcade Showcase
Nashlax, Argick PC Crowd Control Thing
Zyper, SuperPlayer PC All Main Courses (Coop) Coop
Saturday, February 25, 2023
Jhay WiiUVC Any%
Aeshmah vs. Elkjaer PlayStation 5 Any% (NG+, Lethal, w/ DLC) Race
thewoofs PC Any%
happycamper MS-DOS Any% (Speed Mixed)
rebeldragon95, tricrow PC Blackout Bingo (Coop) Coop
MoD366 vs. Lordmau5 PC Any% (Glitchless, Hana)
Kirthar PC The Delicious Last Course (Any%)
crisisaurus Switch Any% (Restricted)
Fuzzyness N64 Any% (Normal)
360Chrism WiiVC 70 Star (Non-Stop, Randomizer)
piimk8 Switch 48 Tracks (200cc, w/ Items)
oopla Switch Any% Unrestricted (Normal, No Turbo, Digital)
NicowithaC PC Shadows of Rose (Hardcore)
catalystz PC Any%
Fuzzyness & 112 Friends! Switch Any% Relay
Edenal and Planks ESA Speech%

Ends at