2018 - Winter


ESA invites you to return to Växjö, Sweden for our first winter event! Taking place from 17 Feb to 25 Feb entirely within the Royal Corner, this will be a small event with a ‘second stream’ / old ESA feel. The marathon will run for 24 hours a day from approximately late afternoon Tuesday 20th to late evening Saturday 24th. It will be streamed on www.twitch.tv/esamarathon ESA Winter will be once again fundraising for Save the Children.

OPEN BLOCK: This will be filled by registrations from runners on-site.

Starts on

All dates and times are given in Europe/Berlin timezone (UTC+01:00).

Planks, Fatzke
360Chrism Wii U Any%
KrossoTV PS3 Any% No-Overlord
Fuzzyness Wii VC 100%
Metako GBA Any%
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
GreenalinkSDA Sega Saturn Beat the game as Enkai
EdenalSDA Sega Game Gear Any%
GreenalinkSDA Sega Game Gear Beat the game as Axel - HARD
360Chrism GameBoy Player Any%
zoton2 PS2 Any%
PurkisM PC Any% Current Patch
eTholon PC Any%
Kanban85 PC Any%
PurkisM PC All Story Missions
Truljin PC All Missions
zoton2 PC All Story Missions
Fuzzyness Wii Subspace Intense Difficulty
SayviTV PC Any% NTD
Joshimuz PC 100%
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Metako Xbox360 Glitchless
Fuzzyness Wii VC All Events
360Chrism Wii Any%
KalarMar Wii U All Bosses
AEtienneTV PC Any%
DonDoli PC The Machine Any%
DonDoli PC All Expansion Levels
EdenalSDA Sega Genesis Any% Mickey
AEtienneTV PC Any%
eTholon PC Any%
Retrotato Nintendo DS Any%
Fuzzyness Wii VC 100%
KennyMan666 PC Rainbow Dash
GreenalinkSDA Switch Boss Blaster mode as Jason
GreenalinkSDA, IrregularJinny Switch Both character endings "co-op"
Soppae SNES 100%
Truljin PC Simple
PurkisM PC Any%
AEtienneTV PC Any% No DLC
Retrotato GameCube Any%
Friday, February 23, 2018
Tompa CD-i Any% cutscenes
zoton2 PS2 NG+
IrregularJinny PS4 All Worlds
Wiredwicky PC Any% Anwen
EdenalSDA PC Good Campaign
GreenalinkSDA Sega Genesis Axel Easy
Metsametsa PC Any% First Ending
Firepawlz PC Any%
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Truljin PC Any% (Enchanced Mode)
Wiredwicky Switch Any% No Save and Quit
AEtienneTV GBA (Emu) Any% Glitchless
AEtienneTV PC NG+ Judas Ending
KennyMan666 PC F-Swordman
eTholon vs. Joshimuz PC Bingo Race (Normal)
DM Firepawlz + 5 Victims Paper TPK%
Truljin PC Max Health
Retrotato GameBoy Player Any% Glitchless
IrregularJinny Switch Any%
EdenalSDA, Planks, Fatzke
Maral, AnnieFuchsia, Psychobunny, Michi Switch EVENT%

Ends at