2020 (ESA Together)

ESA Together 2020

ESA Together April 6 - April 13, 2020

ESA Together is a week-long online marathon that will feature speedrunners and score-attackers from all around the world. ESA Together will be ran to support ESA and other affiliated events’ increased costs this year connected with the coronavirus outbreak.

Starts on

All dates and times are given in Europe/Stockholm timezone (UTC+02:00).

Argick PC Best Ending (Genesis)
MrDino023 PC Any% (Official Seed)
Abyssoft PC Any%
Mr_Shasta GBA Any% (Normal, Zipless)
LinkaMeister NES Any%
Heinki PC Any%
MetalGlennSolid PC Any% (Extreme)
dlimes13 PS3 Any% (European Extreme)
DECosmic PC Any% (Normal)
inv1ve PC Any% (Normal)
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
AnthonyCaliber PS4 Grounded, Glitchless, New Game
llghtningleon Switch Any% (w/ DLC)
Kitcot6 Wii Any%
Crrool Nintendo DS Any%
AEtienne PC Any%
KrusKader PC No Major Skips (Easy)
Becci_chan PSTV Any%
DoubleDubbel Gamecube Any%
RebelDragon95 PS4 Any% (Aqua, Beginner)
JkL87 NES 100% (Super Advance)
Kaadzik NES Any% (One Player)
StoneAgeMarcus Genesis Mickey
Paulsaltine Genesis Any% (Normal)
UnFantasmaMas PS2 Any% (PS1)
Xoneris PS4 Any% (no Airwalk)
Tyler2022 Gamecube Extreme
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
captain_ezekiel PC Any% (NG+ Easy)
Ecdycis PC Hard / Hard
Juh0rse PC NG Easy / Easy
DemonicRobots PS2 Any%
Mekarazium PC NG+ (Dante Must Die)
Velare_SR PC NG+ (Easy)
Tezur0 PC Residential (99%)
Call_me_Zeroo PC Any% (Current Patch)
catalystz PC All Bosses
Nikoheart PC Any% (CC Only)
AoryWasTaken PC Any% (NG+ w/ DLC)
henyK PC Any%
Heinki PC Nod Campaign
DemonicRobots PC We All Fall Down
chaosdrifter PC Any%
plywood_ PS2 All Levels
RandomPinkBunny PC Any% (NG+)
Thursday, April 9, 2020
LattMackey TurboGrafx-16 Expert
sagehero NES Any%
Emagen303 SNES Any%
KomradeKontroll NES Any%
freeland1787 NES Any%
BenjaS4 Switch Any% (Jammies)
Mr_Shasta Nintendo DS 100%
ExploudYourEar PC Plague Of Shadows
xShonnen PS3 Any% (Normal)
srd_27 PC Heroic (League of Explorers)
MrDaddyDean PC Any%
EeroKurkisuo PC Score Attack (Hard)
FreyasSpirit PC Easy
Mekarazium PC 1v0 Victory
Nordic_Soy PC Any%
GreenSnowDog PC Any%
trojandude12, Cutieroo1 PC Any% (Co-Op)
Riekelt PS2 Any%
Tasselfoot PC Reverse Area Order
DoubleDubbel Gamecube Any%
RebelDragon95 PS2 All Stages (NG+)
isBullets PC Any%
snw_bll PC 100%
Kanban85 PC Any%
Gidano PC Any%
Grondious PC All Bosses (V1.1+, Regular)
janglestorm SNES Any%
DECosmic PC NG (Devil Hunter Lady/Trish)
Friday, April 10, 2020
JosephJoestar316 PC Stealth / No Kills
plywood_ Xbox Campaign 2080 (NG)
FroobMcGuffin PC Any% (Female Titan)
toorima GB Any% (Glitchless)
MrDaddyDean PC Any%
Retrotato Switch Any% (Candyfloss)
triggerino1 PC All Gems
hypnoshark PS4 Any%
PeteDorr N64 All Races (NG+)
snw_bll PC All Chapters
Mr_Shasta N64 100%
SuperSonic71087 Genesis Any% (Easy)
SuperSonic71087 Genesis Any% (Sonic)
Finalflame PC All Good Futures (Tails)
Apollo22237 NES Any%
Dangers Switch Darker Side
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Dangers Switch Nipple%
TheHaxor NES 100%
SteveTVOnline Switch NG+ (All Main Levels, Unrestricted)
PeteDorr Wii Any%
ShuriBear Xbox One Any% (Normal)
wartab Nintendo New 3DS Any%
PeekingBoo N64 70 Star (DancePad)
360Chrism WiiU Green Stars
ventifer Switch Beat World 2 (Intensity 30)
Vertic03 PC No Major Skips
MrFink_sXe SNES Any%
TheHaxor NES 100%
BBF_ PC Average-Mode Any% (Dark Boshy, No Wrong Warp)
teddyras PC All Bosses
emray PC Pantheon of Hallownest
RagingCherry PC Damn Tough Difficulty
Sunday, April 12, 2020
LattMackey TurboGrafx-16 Any%
BigJon SNES Warpless D-4 Luigi
misterprmiller PC Any%
BenjaS4 PC Speedrun Mode
Gelly PC Bad Endings
Ecdycis PS4 Best Ending
MyOhMyke PC Any% (Course 1)
Senydro PC Any% (Current)
StoneAgeMarcus Genesis Donald
Juh0rse PC 100%
Nimputs PC A License
Thebpg13 PS1 World Championship
Thebpg13 PS1 Any% (PS)
Structuralfailure PC Any%
Mr_Mary PC Any% (Scriptless)
maltemller PC Any% (No Voidclip)
alexh0w PC Any% (No Voidclip)
G3neziz GBP Reverse Badge Acquisition
teddyras PC Any% (NG)
teddyras PC 10 Pups%
LinkaMeister SNES 100%
MoD366 PC Any% (Easy)
BigJon SNES Randomizer (Normal, Open, Enemizer)
Monday, April 13, 2020
Crandor94 NES Any%
SheNanagans_ GBP Catch 'Em All!
TaymanND N64 1P Stadium (Super Hard)
pokeguy GBP Any% (Glitchless)
isBullets PC No Major Skips
Zet PC Any%
janglestorm NES Any%
DigitalDuck ZX Spectrum 1 Loop
JkL87 Genesis Bad Ending
Argick PC All Emeralds
flying_fox Android Any% (Tails)
Rakanai N64 2K%
Joshimuz PC Any% (No AJS)
Tasselfoot PC Any%
TwoCplus PC Any% (OOB)
TGH_sr PC True Ending
FroobMcGuffin PS4 Easy

Ends at