2019 (Stream One)

ESA Summer 2019 is a speedrunning centred community meet-up and marathon. The doors of the event area at the Quality Hotel View in Malmö are open from Friday the 19th of July until Sunday the 28th of July.

For quick reference, you may be most interested in the following links:
Master Info Post
Stream Two Schedule

SETUP Games: These are buffer blocks that give us an opportunity to tackle delays. The games will be played in their specified timeslot if the marathon is not too far behind the original schedule at that point. If we are, they will be pushed to the last day of the 2nd stream. Decisions will be made several hours before the run is scheduled. That means all SETUP Games will definitely get shown.

Starts on

All dates and times are given in Europe/Berlin timezone (UTC+02:00).

360Chrism PC Viewer Races
ThaRixer N64 Any% (Agent)
Xafication N64 Any%
Chfou PC Any%
Revolucion PC Lilac
Kinnin11 GBP Any%
btrim vs. TheMotherBrain86 vs. JkL87 Genesis Any%
Kaadzik NES Any% (One Player)
Jokaah vs. Niss3 vs. EndySWE NES Any%
duckfist NES Any%
BigJon NES Any% JP (150% Game Speed)
snapcase_ vs. DrimFox PC Any% (No Major Skips)
Naro PC Remilia All Bosses
Kainalo vs. yisk PC All Stages
Jackintoshh PC All Levels
ItsTrigger PC Any%
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Punchi PC Any%
Mekarazium PC Nero/Dante NG Devil Hunter
Jazzy, Venomynous PC Pantry (Glitchless, Co-Op)
Mokaygee GCN All Parts
GameguySD PC Any% (No Level Skips, Insane)
Joshimuz vs. Trollbear666 PC Bingo (Single, Medium)
Firepaw PC Any%
NoobSalmon PC Any%
Gelly PC All Pages
ElCidDK PC Any%
PokerFacowaty PC No OoB
NoobSalmon PC No OoB
Team Darkside PS4 Showcase
Linkus7 Switch Any% (No Amiibo)
TGH_sr PC All Chapters
Cadarev PC Any%
catalystz PC Any% (Normal)
havrd PC Any%
TheKotti PC Any%
AnthonyCaliber PS4 New Game (Grounded, Glitchless)
Monday, July 22, 2019
CallmeZeroo PC NG+
Xoneris, yisk PC Single Story (Bid War)
Kuru PC Any% (Extreme)
linkboss vs. Shigan_ vs. Gamonymous__ PS1 Any%
skateman222 NES Beat the game
Apollo22237 NES Any%
JkL87 NES Level 3
TheMotherBrain86 NES Any%
JkL87 NES Any%
EndySWE NES Any%
garadas21 NES Any% (1p2c)
Apollo22237 NES Any%
Lucha_Gym NES Any% (Beginner)
TheMotherBrain86 NES Any% (Easy)
Dxtr NES Any%
EndySWE NES Any%
JackofHearts PC Any%
kungkobra PC Glitchless
Gelly, apple1417 PC Any% Tourist (Co-Op)
qDTH PC Any% (Scripted)
maltemller PC New Engine Inbounds
Goodigo, Wilbo__ PC Any% (Co-Op)
UltimaOmega07 PC Any%
BBF_ PC Any%
Naloas PC Any%
Naegleria PS2 Insane
Leonis07 vs. Metako PS2 Any%
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Punchi Switch Any% (Normal)
Kayarune vs. desa3579 PS4 Any% (Beginner)
Grumpmeister Philips CD-i All Cutscenes
Mr_Brood GBA Story Mode
ZooKetra Nintendo DS All Beginner Golds
Samura1man vs. iKainalo PC Beat the game
YanoKarozuno PC Any%
carska PC Any% (Skip Chapter 5)
Jitaenow PC Any%
iKainalo PC Any%
JustTor PC Any%
havrd & Friends PC Relay
ThaRixer , Punchi , Jptje vs. SixRockFire , WarDrumsGaming , RebelDragon95 PS2 NG+ All Levels
Mr_Brood , Goodigo PC Any% (Co-Op)
Cropax , MrWalrus3451 PC Any% (Co-Op)
srd_27 PC Heroic
Mergy PS1 Showcase
360Chrism PC Beat Lance
SirFrozer Nintendo DS Any% Skills
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Isaia Switch Octo Expansion Any%
ShadowFrost Nintendo DS Catch Mew
pulla PC Arcade
skateman222 vs. Christerious Wii Tap Runner
Tricrow vs. yisk vs. RebelDragon95 PC Swine Prince
TehSorix , Dubhzo Xbox360 Easy (Co-Op)
Jitaenow PC All Bosses
Pikkufighter vs. Leemyy vs. genesisprobestream PC Any% (Glitchless)
RandomPinkBunny vs. rythin_sr PC Any% (No Bug Jump)
LoveBot Wii VC All Melons 1-Lap
Argick PC Any%
Oldclov PC Knuckles
SuperSonic71087 Genesis Beat The Game (Glitchless)
sinister1 , EndySWE NES Any% (Co-Op)
TheMexicanRunner , Niss3 NES Any% (Co-Op)
ShuriBear vs. Dxtr vs. Duckfist NES Any%
SuperSonic71087 NES Warpless 8-4 FDS
BigJon PC Any%
Prisiii3 vs. Jokaah NES Any%
kkorvis & Friends NES Any% (All Stages)
Dxtr, TheMexicanRunner NES Any% (Co-Op)
BigJon, TheHaxor vs. Fuzzyness, SuperSonic71087 Switch Co-Op Races
BigJon NES All Courses
Dxtr Xbox360 Any% (NSC)
HaosEdge PC Any% Normal/Veteran
TwoCplus PC Any% (No OoB)
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Ricyosma Switch Any% (3rd Climax)
Davesterio PS2 Any% (No Slots)
kalevan_herra, Kirthar vs. SBDWolf, TheMexicanRunner PC Low% (Expert, Current Patch, Co-Op)
Distortion2, SayviTV vs. Ushebti, danflesh111 PC All Memories (NG)
Distortion2 PC Shura Ending
KZFREW vs. MhmdFVC PC All Missions ($25%)
Shrimp, Goost91, wakecold, Yvathacal, eidgod, Noobest, coolkid, Tyriounet, zastbat, TheKotti PC All Missions 75+ (Hard, Co-Op)
wakecold vs. Tezur0 vs. Noobest PC Episodes 1-3 - UV Speed
praskOo_ vs. Elgu_ vs. SphereMJ vs. brainfluid PC Easy Run Randomized
FroobMcGuffin PC Any% (Human)
Yeswally1 GameCube 100%
Friday, July 26, 2019
Xafication Wii U VC No Levels Early
Nattyo PS2 Any% (Warpless)
Heinki PC Twitch%
rioluTM PC All Flags
YuCaesar, PassionDrama, Gamonymous__, Shigan_, Krakenos, Pingouin23 PC Racing+ Season 6
dwangoAC Linux Any% by keylie
dwangoAC Various TAS Showcase
Janmumrik vs. havrd vs. TheRedSock PC Scavenger Hunt
catalystz PC 100%
Kaadzik PC Any% (Old Patch)
BaalNocturno, Amateseru, Fuzzyness N64 Randomizer Multiworld (Co-Op)
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Crrool GB Beat The Game
Cadarev, tocaloni1 Switch Any% (Co-Op)
ArayaLoL GBP Any% (Glitchless)
acridstingray3, Ax2u PC Any% (Co-Op)
Kazzadan, HaosEdge, Leonmachar, acridstingray3, Harpa PC 5p1c NG Any% No MS
Zet vs. Paulister PC Any%
yajijy PC Any%
mohoc7 vs. tzann PC Glitchless
360Chrism PC Any% + 100%
TGH_sr vs. WarpWorldStaff SNES Open Mode (Crowd Control Difficulty)
SuperSonic71087 vs. TheHaxor vs. coolkid vs. duckfist NES Any% (Warpless)
cheese N64 120 Star
cheese N64 16 Star
Team Samura1man vs. Team HiddenPower13 Wii Any% Relay

Ends at