2023 - Winter (Stream Two)

Starts on

All dates and times are given in Europe/Berlin timezone (UTC+01:00). All dates and times are given in your local timezone. The schedule was last updated .

HabKeineName PC Any%
ViperUK PC Normal (GP 1-4)
Riekelt Switch Any%
Alaapo PC Any% (Crash 2)
hippienator PC Glitchless
TiloTech, Dansta2106 Switch All Moons Relay
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
7eraser7 GBA Any% (No Zombie Glitch)
TinyTim78 ZXSpectrum Any%
Greenalink Genesis Browny Lab / Surrender Route (JPN)
huds601 Genesis NG+ (Sonic, Glitchless)
TempestMask1000 GameGear Any%
Greenalink PC Kirin (Low Gunvolt usage)
captainpaxo6746 PC Any% (N0CUT5)
oneeyeddeacon PC Any%
SuperPlayer Switch Any% (Cherry, Easy)
herreteman Switch Any% (No Abilities)
Davdus PC Any%
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
drwurstpeter PlayStation Any% (15-card, No RNG Manip)
FreshRigi XboxOneX Any%
NicowithaC PC Any% (Unrestricted)
Ya-GG PC 50 Heat (Unseeded, Unmodded)
sylwer PC True Ending
Serenmew N64 Mizar 1
Thursday, February 23, 2023
bramhallthefifth PC Any% (Easy, Turbo)
tricrow PC Gwen
Cadarev PlayStation TV Any% (Momohime)
happycamper PC Any% (Regular, Expansion)
WarDrums PC 100%
SunnymuffinSR PC True Ending
KillerChair PC Any% (Unrestricted)
MoD366 PC Any% (Easy)
Murtag PC Any% (w/ Warps)
Naro PC Any% (Picnic)
HabKeineName PC Any%
GreenSnowDog PlayStation 2 All Sectors
Friday, February 24, 2023
KinzyKenzie PC Any%
Furyst Switch Elite 4 Round 3
Murcaz PC Crash 3 (Reverse Warp Order)
Cadarev PC Any%
hippienator PC Any%
epicdudeguy PC Any%
Lordmau5 PC Any%
Tezur0 PC All Tokens
Riekelt PlayStation 3 Survival Mode
SHiiDO PC 100% (Chris, Knife Only, NMG)
Saturday, February 25, 2023
vaxherd Switch Any% (Glitchless)
Argick, huds601 PC All Emeralds Race? :D

Ends at